A US non-profit corporation under
IRS section 501(c)(3). All donations
are tax deductible from US income tax.

The Bel Canto Institute offers an intensive two-week summer program for select talented young singers
located in the beautful town of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato in Mexico.
The Bel Canto Institute San Miguel offers unique opportunities to young professional opera singers with major career potential. The purpose of the program is to promote Mexican singers, but all singers are welcome to apply. Each year a select group of 10-14 are invited to the program.
Training includes frequent Masterclasses, daily voice lessons, vocal coaching, dramatic coaching, group and individual bodywork sessions, lyric diction classes, and life and career coaching.
All singers participate in two major performances during the program: an Opera Concert and a Cabaret Dinner featuring lighter music.
The highly-acclaimed professionals on our faculty take a continuing interest in the singers who participate in the Institute. Committed to the professional progress and success of each and every singer, our faculty continues to provide assistance and mentoring in the years that follow participation in the Institute. Bel Canto singer alumni are often invited to perform in recitals and concerts outside of the Institute’s summer program. Many of our alumni have gone on to secure professional contracts and win important competitions, a testament to the transformative experience the Bel Canto Institute provides.