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Donor Support Levels

Bel Canto Institute San Miguel is now a registered US non-profit corporation under IRS section 501(c)(3). All donations are tax deductible from US income tax. Please note: we are no longer using the services of Fractured Atlas for donations.



Donors in the categories below will be recognized in the Bel Canto printed program and online. If you wish to remain anonymous, please advise of us that when you make your donation. Thank you.


FRIENDS:  $100 - $249 

  • Two general admission tickets to the summer Bel Canto Opera Concert


ASSOCIATES: $250 - $999

  • Two reserved-seat tickets to the summer Bel Canto Opera Concert


DONORS: $1,000 - $2,999

  • Two reserved-seat tickets to the summer Bel Canto Opera Concert

  • Two complimentary invitations to summer-session Masterclasses

  • Two complimentary reserved-seat tickets to private winter/spring Final Performance Classes 


BENEFACTORS’ COUNCIL: $3,000 to $4,999

Donations at this level will fully fund an annual scholarship for one of Bel Canto’s aspiring young professional opera singers. Benefactors will have the pleasure of helping “their” young performers achieve their dream of professional success. In addition to being a scholarship benefactor, donors will receive the following benefits:

  • Two complimentary tickets to the Annual Bel Canto Cabaret Dinner featuring a performance by Bel Canto’s young professional artists

  • Invitation to attend and participate in the Annual Bel Canto Leadership Meeting

  • Two reserved-seat tickets to the summer Bel Canto Opera Concert

  • Two complimentary invitations to summer-session Masterclasses

  • Two complimentary reserved-seat tickets to private winter/spring Final Performance Classes


BENEFACTORS’ COUNCIL PLUS: $5,000 and above 
In addition to all listed benefits, Bel Canto will make available a scholarship artist to perform at a private function.


Click here to return to How to Donate or click the yellow "Donate" button above to donate now by credit/debit card or PayPal.


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